Sunday, March 8, 2009

What types of Diseases & Conditions can
Homeopathic Medicine Treat?

I think most people don't have any idea, so I will list just a few right here. Cancers of all kinds (do NOT require chemotherapy, surgery and radiation), HIV/AIDS, autoimmune disorders, heart disease including arteriosclerosis (does NOT require balloon angioplasty or open heart surgery), hypertension, stroke, etc. Continuing the list, though it is endless and these are just some common ailments that people suffer from and will never be told by their Medical Doctor that there are safe, natural, inexpensive and effective therapies available. Neurological diseases including epilepsy, petite mal, twitchings, jerkings, convulsions, anxiety disorders, panic attacks, and so on. Parkinsonism, Alzheimer's, senile dementia, incontinence, premature old age, seminal emissions, infertility (in both sexes), mercury poisoning from dental amalgams, skin diseases including eczema, psoriasis, boils, acne, blackheads, warts, moles, brown spots, dry or oily skin, etc. Hormonal imbalances including mannish women with hair and masculine features, effeminine men, underdeveloped penis or breasts, PMS, menstrual problems. Emaciation, obesity, diabetes, overweight, bulimia, anorexia. Addictions: crystal meth., cocaine, alcohol, heroine, cannabis, any addiction. Mental disorders, developmental disorders, such as Downe's Syndrome, Autism, Mental Retardation, etc. Varicose veins, varices, vertigo, dizziness, pneumonia, bronchitis, influenza, manic-depression, Bipolar Syndrome, agoraphobia, hepatitis, jaundice, fevers, chronic weakness, chronic diarrhea, chronic constipation, emotion disorders, delusions, hypertension, phebitis, non-healing wounds, hot flashes, menopausal symptoms, vertigo, dizziness, disorientation, paralysis, hemiplegia, chronic respiratory infections, emphazema, alcoholism, violent behaviors, apathy, sexual dysfunction, sterility, osteoporosis, injuries, emaciation, anorexia, bulemia, CPOD, chest pain, macula, precancerous growths, Post Traumatic Stress Disorder, hyperactivity, ADHD, ADD, coma, mental insanity...this list is to be continued...

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